which of the following statements about branding is true

which of the following statements about branding is true

d. Not-for-profits don't compete against each other. Brand equity is the value a brand name adds to a product. E) None of these statements about branding is TRUE. 38Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passageC AJinyang is an excellent place to plant green prickly ash BWe can make delicious Sichuan food with green prickly ash CPeople started to plant green prickly ash in Jinyang several years ago DGreen prickly ash is sold to many places home and abroad E) competitive points-of-presence, ) ________ are associations designed to overcome perceived weaknesses of the brand. Variability (Inconsistency) c. Search qualities A. Flanker brand In theory, it does not ultimately serve the greater good. C. brand extension. D) product differentiation Reliability D) RTZ shifted its products from supermarket aisles to exclusive stores as it realized that customers were willing to pay more in stores. Service dominated offering Changing an image is most necessary when: A) Points-of-parity D. Brand recognition, also known as aided recall, refers to the ability of consumers to identify a brand. How much the service will cost. C) brand architecture By using a computer rather than a person to initiate the process, Arwen was using _____________ to make the best use of her highly trained donut makers? Add a diagram to illustrate your answer. E) intimacy, ) Randall Ringer and Michael Thibodeau see ________ as based on deep metaphors that connect to \text{20X9} & 160,000 & 40,000 & 100,000 & 20,000 \\ Select one: d. Meissner's corpuscles. These brands offer experiences and we buy them with that experience in mind. Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Whether there are contingency plans in place. c. Social metrics a. Visibility d. The normal rules about products don't apply when you are dealing with services For tax purposes, assume that the computer has a useful life of five years. a. d. Positioning Sorted by: 2. d. An emotional connection Spanish Language version - Medicamentos Genricos: Preguntas y Respuestas (PDF - 213 KB). A. flanker brand. B) services differentiation Which of the following statements about creating a brand is true? A) Brand positioning B) clear profitability to the company a. These are all reasons not-for-profits need to use complementary positioning. C) deviance, peculiarity, deformity The ________ defines which other brands a brand competes with and therefore which brands should be the focus of competitive analysis. D) focusing on reliability B. d. Kept. Tommy Hilfiger conveyed the brand's category membership by ________. E) points-of-presence, For brands in more stable categories where extensions into more distinct categories are less likely to occur, the brand mantra may focus more exclusively on ________. Gandalf opened a tobacco shop in the Haight/Ashbury District. d. Experience Qualities ________ are defined as companies that satisfy the same customer need. c. The normal rules about pricing don't apply when you are dealing with services contestants performing 360-degree turns in mid-air while on motorcycles, competitive skateboarding, and other extreme sports. Service Zone a. cutting marketing costs b. improving customer service c. improving brand image d. all of these are benefits of social media marketing; In the context of on-demand marketing, which of the following statements is true of a sales-oriented firm? c. Because if you hear complaints in only one area, you can assume that everything else is going according to plan. These are all expressions of the value of brand equity. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe a brand-related term? B) points-of-presence e. Multiproduct branding, According to your instructor, a brand can be thought of as a promise you make to your customers. B) Brand symbols b. The appeal of recognized brand names is declining. Select one: 100% (8 ratings) 11) Brand equity is the value that the users derives or equate from a particular brand. a. A. B. flanker brand. This is an example of ________. C) category points-of-parity c. People-based offering B) channel differentiation There is no way to distinguish the product from its competitors other than by the brand name. d. A barrier to entry for competitive products. a. Select one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MgSiq71NXQ A.geologic processes occur as endless cycles B.the earth was once covered by a "universal" flood C.geologic. C) category points-of-difference e. No, because quality and value will be difficult to maintain because the concept depends on extensive training of baristas. E) maximizing negatively correlated attributes, When Tommy Hilfiger was an unknown brand, advertising announced his membership as a great U.S. designer by associating him with Geoffrey Beene, Stanley Blacker, Calvin Klein, and Perry Ellis, who were recognized members of that category. C) points-of-parity B) The Swan Hotels use a distinctive signature fragrance in all outlets so that customers can associate the fragrance with the hotel. Nickname d. D) points-of-parity One of the challenges we face in managing services is that both the customer and the service provider work together to create the service. C) realistic advantage b. A. A) straddle positioning b. D) assist firms in collecting information on competitors that will directly influence their strategy. c. Diffusion b. Pacinian corpuscles Through research, they had discovered that many dogs do not get enough exercise and this new dog food had stimulants added to give these sedate dogs energy. Which of the following is a condition that is favorable to creating a brand? The truth value of a sentence is "true" or "false". B) brand awareness B) brand personality Sol. c. Co-branding B) relying on the product descriptor False. Select one: B) comparing to exemplars A) points-of-difference a. A) Customers are willing to buy by brand only when it assures "top quality." B) Branding provides product identification for sellers but usually is not important to consumers. Brand names are always economically wasteful since they dupe consumers . Jacky just bought a brand new Lexus automobile. C) employee differentiation B. The express warranty a. Select one: Which of the following is a benefit of social media marketing? B) points-of-difference A) announcing category benefits C) announcing category benefits D) setting a. Brand awareness e. Generic branding, One of the ways to leverage brand equity is to engage in ____________ where you allow others to use your brand name for a fee or other compensation? 4. C) identifying counter examples b. C) JEK's sophisticated customer database allows the company to handle queries and product returns much faster than competitors. (c) It is confined to physical product. a. Select one: Implied a. Which of the following statements about service marketing is TRUE? Excessive branding. The winner of the taste test would get the contract Hermione used ____________ to evaluate the quality of the service? According to the given scenario, Ford Motor Co. conveyed their brand's category membership by ________. Bummer. B) In blue ocean thinking, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known. D)It is always part of a company's success. Brands cannot be built through advertising, public relations, sponsorships, social media, or similar techniques. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. " The same is true of Clorox products. B)It is best to create a "composite" face of the company rather than rely on a real (fallible)person. If two lines are cut by a transversal so that corresponding angles are congruent, then the lines are parallel.4. D) Achieving brand familiarity is easy. It should be meaningful, different, and salient. A brand positioning statement has to be powerful enough to make an impact, concise and catchy enough to remember, and true to your brand's identity. Generic branding strategies are often associated with a low price. Recognizing that brands are a form of attitude, it is important for customers to have _____________ with the product if you want to create brand equity? Creating a brand uses the psychological principal of classical conditioning. c. Cross-marketing This is an example of ________. No, because the product is not different enough to support premium pricing. The manufacturer may be held liable for some problems regardless of whether there is anything in writing or not. B) desirability, peculiarity, deliverability Brand name, marketing communications, packaging, and price are examples of_____ that enable consumers to form associations that give meaning to the brand. Suppose that you wish to test to determine whether one method of teaching statistics is better than another. All the following statements about branding are true except Branding is the set of activities designed to create a brand and position it in the minds of consumers. When Procter & Gamble added a new laundry detergent brand in Asia called "Panda" to its current line of laundry detergents, the Panda brand would be considered a: e. Joint venture, If customers purchase your product and find that it performs as well or better than they expected, they will be forming _______________ an important step in creating brand equity? A) resilience A) Brand equity means a brand has customer loyalty. C) mystery A) points-of-conflict c. Every good probably has an intangible component Select one: D) announcing category benefits B. A sentence of the form "If A then B" is true unless A is true and B is false. In the front of the book was a beautiful picture and an inspiring poem that would remind his clients that lower back pain can be treated with a visit to Frodo. d. The manufacturer may be held liable for some problems regardless of whether there is anything in writing or not. This has to be one of the nicest all original OBS Powerstroke diesels left on the planet. Select one: Select one: Select all that apply. E) feasibility, Which of the following criteria relates to the company having the internal resources and commitment to feasibly and profitably create and maintain the brand association in the minds of consumers? ________ allows the brand to create a point-of-parity (POP) on taste and a point-of-difference (POD) on health with respect to quick-serve restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King and, at the same time, a POP on health and a POD on taste with respect to health food restaurants and cafs. A) help firms to analyze who their competitors are False, An organization's product mix includes all the products it sells. during recessions as they do during times of prosperity. Which of the following statements is true? Select one: National Brand, Producer brand In order to maintain a brand, you must protect it against ___________, where people use the brand name without permission. b. Inseparability b. d. Credence Qualities Research your audience, value proposition, and competition. A) Berry's has an intensive training program for its customer-facing staff, to ensure a consistent service standard. C) desirability c. Generic brand, no-name brand Industrial tools claiming to have durability, and antacids announcing their efficacy convey a brand's category membership by ________. d. Role play It is relatively inexpensive to create a national brand when the product sells for less than $1 c. Creating a brand is very different from positioning. C) product b. A) relying on the product descriptor D) setting If it helps to get your gears going, here are simple formulas you can follow to create a winning positioning statement: [Brand name] provides [benefit] because [compelling reason] for [target audience] with [specific need or want]. Becker Brothers is handling 10 percent of the issue. Which of the following is the company using to convey its membership in the retail segment? Trademark d. Offer a consumer clues as to the quality of the product inside. D) image differentiation d. The product is a one-of-a-kind. Select one: A. Pillsbury cookie mix featuring Hershey's Chocolate is a form of ingredient branding. A) help firms to analyze who their competitors are. This is a classic example of _____________? Packaging is not used to gain a competitive advantage. It was able to achieve a point-of-difference on performance and a point-of-parity on luxury with respect to U.S. luxury cars like Cadillac. B) leverageable advantage No, because quality and value will be difficult to maintain because the concept depends on extensive training of baristas. What did the company try to build when they conveyed the fact that the beer contained one third less calories and hence it is less filling? C) JEK's sophisticated customer database allows the company to handle queries and product returns much faster than competitors. d. The principle of informed consent Which of the following statements about advertising campaigns is true? See Page 1. Brand Loyalty E) In blue ocean thinking, value to consumers comes from reintroducing factors the industry has previously offered. ) Because for every customer who complains there are probably ten who had a similar problem and didn't say anything about it to you. A business's branding is more important than you might think. Brand equity is anything that is deeply seated in a consumer's memory about the brand. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of branding for consumer products? The purpose of this concept was to help make the point that? a. D) product e. Perishability (Inventory). B) innovativeness Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like All marketing strategy is built on STPsegmentation, targeting, and ________. a. C) Perceptual maps E) They leverage the values of the brand to take the brand into new markets/sectors. E) category points-of parity; competitive points-of-parity, ________ are attributes or benefits that consumers view as essential to a legitimate and credible offering within a certain product or service class. Explain why deserts and vegetation show up clearly in the map of Africa below, copied from, How are the borders of the earth's tectonic plates defined? E) points-of-conflict, Tums claims to have the most acid-reducing components of any antacid. Consumers with high behavioral loyalty are unlikely to switch. c. Multiproduct branding E) Competitive intelligence, A ________ is one that a company can use as a springboard to new advantages. It is the goodwill that the brand builds by itself and from its customers. c. Lawyers B) point-of-difference Private branding. e. Private-label brand, middleman brand. a. Every service probably has a tangible component. How does FDA ensure generic medicines work the same as brand-name medicines? a. Protect the product from excessive heat or cold. The difference between options standard features. Passenger deposits for upcoming cruises are considered unearned revenue and are recorded as Customer Deposits as cash is received. A) announcing category benefits Why is it so important to take complaints about service so seriously? Select one: Then add. Consumers with high behavioral loyalty are unlikely to switch. A) image b. A ______________ is an organization that exists to achieve some goal other than the usual business goals of profit, market share, or return on investment? a. Most social media platforms have built-in data analytics tools, enabling companies to track the progress, success . He was very good at dealing with lower back pain. d. Toll-free number e. Service encounter, Hermione was the office manager for a small business in the city. Select one: b. C) are a necessity while creating a firm's vision and mission statement b. Which of the following best describes BR Chicken's value proposition? b. Select one: Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following does NOT accurately describe a brand-related term? What percent of Bens day is spent testing these programs? d. Logo Which of the following is true regarding URL text? Largely set in a futuristic World State, whose citizens are environmentally engineered into an intelligence-based social hierarchy, the novel anticipates huge scientific advancements in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation and classical conditioning that . E) comparing to exemplars, One common difficulty in creating a strong, competitive brand positioning is that many of the attributes or benefits that make up the points-of-parity and points-of-difference are ________. E) Hayley's found success by allowing buyers to customize the color and some features of its appliances before buying them. B) Market research He used these same themes in his print and radio advertisements. Warranties can be either express or implied. A) innovativeness D) category points-of-parity Each week the coffee service will deliver fresh coffee. Which of the following is not one of the unique characteristic's of a service described in the text? Former U.S. The ad is an, 7. False and . A) comparing to exemplars E) reliability, A supplier creates better information systems, and introduces bar coding, mixed pallets, and other methods of helping the consumer. B) channel differentiation E) brand alliance, BMW's "The ultimate driving machine," American Express' "Don't leave home without it," New York Times' "All the news that's fit to print," and AT&T's "Reach out and touch someone" are all examples of ________. \text{20X8} & 220,000 & 10,000 & 90,000 & 40,000 \\ Which of the following statements about branding is. C) A small business must separate the well-integrated brand elements to enhance both brand awareness and brand image. C) Competitive points-of-parity c. Rubber branding. d. The retailer has national distribution A) original, ambiguous, and straightforward Select one: b. Hermione used ___________ to evaluate the quality of this service? e. Word of mouth, Not-for-profit organizations need to use complementary positioning because? The service contract assured her that if anything went wrong with the car it would be taken care of even if it wasn't covered in the warranty. Because customers who spend the most money are the most likely to complain. B) channel E) deliverability, Which of the following criteria relates to consumers seeing the brand association as distinctive and superior to relevant competitors? A) locate the brand in the minds of consumers to maximize the potential benefit to the firm B) discover the different needs and groups existing in the marketplace C) target those customers marketers can satisfy in a superior way D) collect information about competitors that will directly . She found three that provided equipment and made weekly deliveries of supplies. During the period of January 1, 20X6, through December 31, 20X9, the market value of Ravine's investment in Valley's stock increased by$10,000 each year. B. Complementary branding is marketing two brands together to encourage co-consumption. Patent Consumers with strong behavioral loyalty have the strongest connection with the brand. View the full answer. \end{array} It later sells the shares D) technological advances for an attribute or benefit Government positioning takes precedence over NGO (non-government organization) positioning. "B) Branding provides product identification for sellers but usually is not important to consumers.C) What brand is familiar often varies from one country to another.D) Achieving brand familiarity is easy.E) None of these statements about branding is TRUE. d. Branding is less important now than . self-expressive correct incorrect. This is an example of defending the __________ of the brand? E) cast. ) D) product Warranties can be either expressed or implied. The retailer is large. -Strong brand expands the target market -Strong brand increases competition -Strong brand improves production output -String brand builds customer loyalty, Two established brands collaborating to offer a single product or service that . The goal of attribution is to determine which channels and messages had the greatest impact on the decision to convert, or take the desired next step. Therefore, option C is correct that is . Attributes like gentle and caring were of no value unless consumers believed that its deodorant was strong enough, its shampoo would cleanse and its cosmetics would be colorful enough. Select one: D) Choose Grissom's for an unparalleled shopping experience. Which of the following best describes a car company's value proposition? D) Procedural models a. B) points-of-presence e. Box, The concept of ___________ recognizes that before an organization can effectively take care of customers' needs, it must focus on its employee's needs? Some services are more product-based than other services At that time, consumers saw U.S. luxury cars as lacking performance. E) identifying counter examples, Ford Motor Co. invested more than $1 billion on a radical new 2004 model called the X-Trainer, which combined the attributes of an SUV, a minivan, and a station wagon. The supplier is most likely to be differentiated on its ________. Employee morale was very important to the company so she knew that the coffee needed to be good. D) announcing category benefits Creamer, sugar, stir sticks and cups are provided for a nominal fee. C) points-of-inflection c. Assurance A) Brand mantras d. is the brand name, logo, and slogan of a company., When consumers search extensively for a particular item and are very reluctant to accept substitutes, that item is a(n) _____. A) Procedural maps Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the concept of product? c. Intangibility a. Financial Market Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Pdf. Price rationing Select one: Frodo was using the ___________ approach to making his service seem "real"? E) language, Which element of a brand story framework do Randall Ringer and Michael Thibodeau relate to the way the narrative logic unfolds over time, including actions, desired experiences, defining events, and the moment of epiphany? e. Service dominated offering, Arwen wanted to open a donut shop where customers could design their own donuts and have them made to order at the time. initiative combines industry-leading health and safety standards with virtual technologies designed to keep real estate moving forward, and give our employees, customers and partners confidence and support to stay safe. a. free nerve endings D) using channel differentiation D) points-of-value E) unique, sensitive, and explanatory, Brand mantras typically are designed to capture the brand's ________, that is, what is unique about the brand. a. B) communicating deliverability variables Individual product branding What the training program for employees was intended to accomplish. d. Process versus outcome measures Before you can measure the quality of a service, you need to understand? b. b. A) brand vision Nestl Purina Petcare (/ p j r i n /), or simply Purina, is an American subsidiary of the Swiss corporation Nestl, based in St. Louis, Missouri.It produces and markets pet food, treats, cat and dog litter.Some of its pet food brands include Purina Pro Plan, Purina Dog Chow, Friskies, Beneful and Purina One.The company was formed in 2001 by combining Nestl's Friskies Petcare . True b. They did this even though it cost them money. C) narrative arc C) image Max was the brand manager for a pet food company that was to introduce a new brand of dog food. When it comes to managing services, some people find it helpful to think of it as a service encounter with roles for both the service provider and for the customer. The Dolly Parton Solution b. C. a competitor enters the market with a product that is viewed as being superior. C)It is only important once a company is established. End of story. She would like to open her shop across the street from college campuses, but there are already Starbucks coffee shops in all of these locations. A) conceptual points-of-parity; competitive points-of-parity C) comparing to exemplars C) image Lysol Disinfecting Wipes - Lemon and Lime Blossom. Discuss the business-cycle approach to investment timing. DividendsDeclared, OperatingIncome,NetIncome,YearRavineCorporationValleyIndustriesRavineValley20X6$140,000$30,000$70,000$20,00020X780,00050,00070,00040,00020X8220,00010,00090,00040,00020X9160,00040,000100,00020,000\begin{array}{lrrrr} A) innovativeness D) Competitor analysis C) category points-of-parity; deliverable points-of-parity A) deliverability Multiple Choice O It is a collection of coordinated advertisements that share a single theme. B. line extension These service elements are considered ________. Which of the following is NOT a perceptual benefit of packaging? c. Variability (Inconsistency) A) brand equity e. The manufacturer can only be held responsible for the problems specified in writing. C) to rationalize competitors' perceived points-of-difference d. There is no such thing as a pure good or a pure service. Its co-sponsorship of this. c. A warranty Documentation The Chef position will perform the following duties: Builds customer loyalties through a one-on-one consultative approach. Following extensive third-party laboratory testing, specific Lysol products have demonstrated effectiveness (>99. She chose the supplier that advertised the lowest price. 5. A university librarian produced the following probability distribution of the number of times a student walks into the library over the period of a semester. The customer service representative was unwilling to let Raul return the microwave saying that they did not allow returns on electronic merchandise. D) the soap brand has global presence c. The retailer is a recognized brand Pages 245 Ratings 92% (85) 78 out of 85 people found this document helpful; b. On the outside, your brand may seem like it consists only of elements such as logos and colors, but your brand is actually . 16 12 5. Generic brand, no-name brand He just made an arrangement with a coffee service for his company. Perceived as valuable to your customers. Brand: A brand is a distinguishing symbol, mark, logo, name, word or sentence that companies use to distinguish their product from others. c. Internal rate of return An implied warranty means that? c. Consumers are unwilling to pay premium prices for similar products. View the full answer. \textbf{Year} & \textbf{Ravine Corporation} & \textbf{Valley Industries} & \textbf{Ravine} & \textbf{Valley}\\

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which of the following statements about branding is true

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