what is the highest iq possible

what is the highest iq possible

On the way to school, I had a main notebook and twin stacks of books on it. IQ scores follow a bell curve. Hawking was famous for his study of black holes and his hit book A Brief History of Time. Verbal and non-verbal intelligence changes in the teenage brain. * (In Baku). Welp, guess you dont know what Everyone has there own opinions means. [Genius is the ability to comprehend reality significantly better than the average. But I have reached a high level in my career and run a large part of our business. What a shame. I scored 140, highest in our group, and jumped to highest expectations in our school. Note ages of kids vary. {Note the differentiation made between high IQ score and true intellect? The IQ score moves 15 points in either direction with each standard deviation. At the age of 1 I was able to beat Magnus Carlsen in two moves. Mathematician Terence Tao is said to have an IQ of 220 or 230. Your not capable of much more than someone that works hard. Would you like to guess why? in mathematics. I learned the moves from my mother, then worked with my father and later trainers. Dude, knowledge is NOT the same as intelligence. I found out through the test for gifted at my school because we have a certified psychologist do it. My dad has an IQ of about 130, while my mom has an IQ of 125. Yet he has come to found and operate one of the worlds largest companys. My father (who is a professor at Villanova University) is also planning to give me his course on history this summer. Theres a lot of debate on the subject of intelligence and whether it can actually be measured. That means the theoretical maximum IQ should represent 1 in 107 billion. Once you get an IQ score of 110 you begin to take note. Does it make you feel better to tear down people who have gifts that you dont have? No errors and not even a pencil mark correction. Those are boring, even if you understand everything in there. For the most part, IQ is generally considered stable throughout life. I never had an excellent memory, however, having to relearn many things I had (somewhat) mastered previously. Perhaps you should try making a cure. WebBearing these caveats in mind, it is generally believed that the highest IQ score ever recorded is that of William James Sidis, who is believed to have had an IQ of between 250 My mom worried that I was retarded so she took me to do an IQ test. NOT .ect (punctuation and spelling); its up NOT its up (punctuation); start a new sentence after mind (grammar). They are painfully awkward at talking and dont understand simplistic human emotions. That does not happen by 6 months old. Ive never taken an IQ test because i didnt want it to limit me in either direction. Retired now I was always an artist but now can be that full time. Increased intelligence is a myth (so far). As for the actually supportive, kind people, thanks. WebThough a high IQ is not the only factor determining intelligence, it is a common measure used to describe a persons potential in life and diagnose certain intellectual disabilities. Im currently enrolled in 8th grade, even though I am supposed to be in 6th. Yall are pretty adorable, being all gullible and sucking up to every little letter these kids type. I dont think of Lil Wayne as a genius, but if we assume income to be related to IQ, then hes smarter than anyone who has ever worked for NASA. How Are Learning Disabilities Tested and Diagnosed? Aha.you have to write in and tell us !!! WebThe highest possible IQ score is theoretically infinite. Oof, this narcissism hits hard! We had our debacles and tirades fro al the wannabes. I hope you will all share your time here with me and tell others show great I am and if they want they can join us next time, aslong as they can handle me next time I come! I know someone as smart as you, and theyve said their eyes were opened when they learned to see from other peoples perspectives. Cool, Im 26 and am actually currently going through a professional, licensed STANDARDIZED IQ TEST that only about a dozen people in the state are qualified to give, and the STANDARDIZED test literally only goes to 160. At the time, Lewis was employed by the United States Army. Hurrying this process can lead to malfunctions and fatalities. Yes, there is a predictive part of IQ calculation, but thats only because its not possible to measure each and every persons score. Like Terence Tao, Christopher Hirata (1982) was considered a child prodigy. I was also held back in Kindergarten and first grade because I was socially awkward and day dreaming as the teachers put it. IQ test am broked only 68 score Test again and 68 again. A high IQ might give you a leg up in certain situations, like getting the job you want. I was born and raised in Los Alamos, NM (a place full of smarty pants folks). Why, may I ask, kudos for 109? I have a dyslexic sibling who scored better on math than I did, and most of them are dyslexic as a result of something else(in my siblings case heart surgery). To author Juan Ramos: Dear Mr. Ramos: If you are going to post English articles, you should have a native English speaker and writer edit your posts. Yeah right, Though it could be jealousy contributing to the fact that someone wrote that comment, it is also a normal response to doubt things one has not encountered often. Understanding the actions to my amazing IQ score ahead of actually completing the test perfect with no errors I measured negative and positive action responses in regards to my perfect score which I know was the best, it was great as I am great, and I do mean great, perfectly great, so perfectly great that I have my own level created for how great I am and its just perfect, believe me and I mean perfect which resulted in a less likely or higher negative action to my limitless and undeniable brilliance of IQ and score that is a level better or lets just say the best, I know this, folks I know because I am me and I make everything perfect, so perfect its amazing and great, believe me my test was so perfect, the best test by far, actually the best ever people, ever, the best most perfectly great IQ score everyone would be impressed, jealous or amazed which I know because I am amazed at how great I am. So arranged to write the other 4 tests on Sat, with 2 tests in the time allotted for one..Reason being the distance to travel. Read Genesis, chapter 1 until the seventh day. My son-in-law has an iq of 155 and my daughter and wife are probably around 130. Gubernaculum. 15, 128 iq. Evolution demands natural selection, it is what made us reach our current level of technology and for the sake of advancement requires us to look beyond compassionate emotion and face the cold hard truth of reality. I dont get involved with them but I will continue paying my membership just to have the membership card in my wallet. Im 11 and i have an IQ of 10 damn im smart . Nobody has an answer for that and just try to get someone to replicate the creation of life/protocell in a laboratory, it cant be done! Most of the geniuses here is off putting, but also amusingI would like to know any of them closer in real life. While frequently boring, it should be easy to put yourself in their place and recognize what their thought process is, based on what you know that they know. This could mean youll fare well when faced with unusual or complex problems. Its amazing when people talk about how smart someone is when they are genius level..they never talk how they are so compassionate or loving or empathetic which Id argue is far more important to living. Meet as many people as you can and if you really listen, you will learn much more that you ever thought you could from them. WebKashmea Wahi, an 11-year-old student from the UK, just earned a place among the worlds intellectual 1 percent by getting a perfect score on her IQ test. I dont think I was ever really told this and there was never anything done about it. There are about 7 billion people in the world meaning there are approximately 28 people in the world with an IQ of around 200. A more accurate test is done individually. They said the internet measured my IQ at 214. Nice job! Steve, youre my new favourite person, lmao. A Norway, and Sweden, fertility for less-educated women has now fallen enough that childlessness is now highest among the least educated women just as it is for men. (2014). You cant even test the IQ of the inventors of any other 22,000 plus versions of the fiction of God because they are all dead. Sadly many 1-2%ers prefer to find errors purely for discreditation. But my greatest strength is as an artist. I had joined our local Militia Unit, and soon qualified Sgt, and working with a regular Force Unit, qualified as a sniper. It makes sense though, my ex wife thinks im psychic, i am constantly scapegoated and no one ever listens to me, especially my family. Missing prepositions and conjunctions; along with mistakes in sentence structure. I read The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkein at age 4, and have now read several college textbooks on biology and chemistry. One must remember that somewhere over 130 IQs become more and more subjective and targeted and often narrow. (1986). However when do we really need someone who can immediately solve a problem they have never seen before or when the cause is found, then be able to learn the correct method in a matter of hours. In a highly publicized match, Garry lost to the IBM supercomputer nicknamed Deep Blue. I find (self-deprecating) humor also helps. If you turn up at the emergency department burning up and vomiting you dont want to hear, Well Im not sure what I can do as I dont know what youe Got. I think there is merit in Malcolm Gladwells concept of smart enough as it relates to intelligence and success in most fields. I completely agree with you. This Nigerian born computer scientist, mathematician, engineer, and geologist has several postgraduate degrees from different universities. (2010). There should be a culture of reverence for those with abilities and the willingness and selflessness to share those gifts with the world, and someday when I think it is safe I will also share more of my inventions with those I deem deserving. Our leaders are not superior to us and that needs rectification before they destroy this planet with their ignorance. Correction: as if he were, not as if he is.. To that one person telling me I was lying literally just because I was 11, not all kids my age are lOl EpIc jUsT lIkE fOrtNiTe. While some of the points you make are, sadly, true, this eleven year-old-girl is able to do things that you will never be able to do. I thought I had a very high IQ. Im smarter than the average bear (maybe), but there are far smarter people out there. Btw, my i.q. No it doesnt. You have the intelligence to raise your EQ and pretend to blend in if you so desire. Its your willingness to put in effort in everything that you do that counts. Mensa, a member organization that restricts applicants based on their score, requires an IQ of 132 for entrance. All if this is about neurological connections in the brain; which take time to develop. Who has the honor of the highest score isnt entirely clear. Anastasia, your comments did sound a bit boastful. And to those that didnt believe me, why do you think Id go through the trouble of making up a bunch of this stuff just to gloat on some obscure article I found at 3 a.m a couple weeks after my first IQ test at school?!? For example, mathematics should represent only a fraction of said testing. Hi, Im 11 and I have an IQ of 156. You showed the ability to question yourself and your abilities; that shows awareness. Depending on their genetics, it is possible. Pres of the Staff association. It was a completely empty basementcement floor and block walls. What if Im just interested in the material? I have and IQ of over 140 when I tested when I was 3 however I frequently get IQs of around 120 when I take online tests. I skipped 2 grades and my first SAT was like 1200 when I was 12, so I dont think its wholly impossible. I have an iq of just 130. Thats amazing!!! I know she would out score me in any intelligence test! At 12 I was reading and studying Einsteins plamic theories and if they were applicable to Paranormal effects and manifistations along with the saucer shaped UFOs power source. To be honest, he may have just been charismatic, rather than a genius. I attend 6th grade but, I am currently doing 10th grade math in an out of school program. God is only three letters, after all. That makes no sense. WebHighest IQs in the World Ever 1. Why? I advise that if you wish to respond to this, first take a deep breath. I feel your pain. You can have a high IQ and attain little success in life, or you can have an IQ on the lower side and do very well. Pls excuse the lack of aphostrophes and capitals, they take too long. scores mean different things in infants to those in early childhood though these have some similar meaning to those in adults. If you want to know what matters I will tell you what matters. If youre among the 2 percent with a higher score, youre an outlier. I am in a gifted and talented class at my school, and am enrolling into an online enrichment program for intelligent students. They all make life more interesting. Lets discuss how thats possible below. If you actually managed that Id like to know how, I just turned 13 and a couple months ago was tested and got a 161. Someone who was mature wouldnt care if people who obviously had reason to doubt what they wrote on the internet thought it was dumb. Just saying. I was always hunting for the king, for the mate. My iq score is 124. The decades-long controversy over IQs wont end anytime soon. Started a fund raiser program that raised enough to upgrade the Community Hall, and pay for the heat and lights and youth programs over many years. Although spoken English doesnt obey the rules of written language, a person who doesnt know the rules thoroughly is at a great disadvantage. Marilyn Vos Savant. Heres a great paper on estimating IQ from historical figures. Well even if they did, they wouldnt be able to pass the first topic. One of us requires the planet to be filled up 3 times to get another one in the maths a 1 in 21 billion. You know more about all things than the best of the Mensa folks Prometheans, the Triple Nines, the Mega Society members, the Four Sigmas, the Cerebrals Society, Giga Society, The International High IQ Society, Top One Percent Society, Colloquy, Vertex Society, Omega Society, and more. My score was 85. I mentioned all the things I had done with my Grade 10 and how did he compare? When some guys concocted the Bible out of different earlier religions, they did not know anything about science. Later asked him how long it took for him, he replied about the same as you. Then their is the 25 year old who died back in 1996 that even over 20 years after his death still carrys a net worth of 40million. Also, I notice a clear decline in my ability to recall quickly facts well known to me compared to the younger ME. The smartest folks are able to admit when they arent familiar with a particular concept. IQ tests are tools to measure intellectual abilities and potential. I was tested as a child and scored 118. You could possibly imagine how much pain I have been through as a high IQ but very low EQ abnormal. What Do They Get Out Of It? Tolkein. Be well, prospect, dont associate with anti-money dolts who cant do the math on what you will need in your future. Next time think before you try to discredit someone. A score We all know that narcissists were a story about a person who never existed and its a low IQ way out of looking stupid around your superior intellects. The mean IQ will not change in the absence of a change of the fertility differences. Comparison is the thief of joy -Theodore Roosevelt, You dont have to be in competition with anyone, theres no reason to be insulted by others achievements or by their judgement(s) about you. Garry Kasparov. However, experts assumed that 2. If your IQ is over 129 go get your free ride to Harvard. Identifying gifted children: Congruence among different IQ measures. Does its really matter? It can be challenging and isolating to have a high IQ. This keeps a child engaged without having the experience like they are studying. Tao showed an amazing aptitude for math when he was a child. If I could afford to get more education I would, but am economically trapped and probably will remain so. For example, one can solve complex equations and be unable to parallel park. Life is not easy for anyone. My friend cannot do any of these things and she is impressed that I can. I agree with the quote. An IQ test, either done online or in a group will give you a rough idea at how quickly you can solve problems and learn new concepts. I suggest Tupac because on answers.com they state his IQ being 159(prob an est), and his success with his choosen profession and community. It worked, and My results were average of 95% and lowest score 93. So they had me tested. Although I could raise my IQ by trashing some of the others.naaah, Ill leave that delusional rating method to them. I already know you will go far in life!!! In the beginning, God created the universe, and intelligence. ISSN: 2639-1538 (online), highest possible iq people hold world record, Here Is The Highest Possible IQ And The People Who Hold The World Record. For those reasons and more I am out. Maybe, I should wonder if, when I was a child, would I have easily lied?, you all are telling them how amazing they are. The Emotional Experience Of Providing Social Support. He was able to speak when he was only 6 months old and was a self-taught reader at age 3. Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0. Id estimate him to have been around a 90 at best. Its funny seeing all the 13 year olds explaining how their IQ is 160, but dont realive that looking up free IQ test isnt going to give you an accurate representation of your acual score. I can make very accurate and ogica guesses, but sometimes my need for things to be where they being holds me up when Im solving problems. To gloat? Also, why are you reading college text books? What this comment section is like: I am 1 year old and have a 300 IQ. I read two college textbooks on marine biology because I am interested in the material! Simply put: if youre racing against 10 people, you cant beat 12. Impressive, girl! Nevertheless, at 43 I find I am able to understand very complicated solutions, data and concepts and can join disparate solutions together easily and see parallels between the things I read and have read.

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what is the highest iq possible

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